Document Type : ACEC-2023


Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Microfluidics and MEMs Lab, Babol Noshirvani University of Technology, Babol, Iran


The challenge of particle deposition in microchannels has consistently posed issues in nanofluids, adversely impacting the heat transfer rate. This study investigates the novel approach of employing a magnetic field to prevent deposition and enhance the heat transfer of nanoparticles in microchannels, utilizing Euler-Lagrange method. The analysis involves the coupled solution of momentum and energy equations, incorporating forces such as Brownian motion, thermophoresis, drag, and volumetric force. The findings within the explored parameters indicate that temperature variations affecting particles beyond the thermal boundary layer have a comparatively minor impact compared to those within the boundary layer. This presents an opportunity for optimizing nanoparticle consumption. Additionally, the study reveals that a non-developed flow at the inlet results in lower particle deposition compared to a developed inlet. The results show that an increase in the Reynolds number from 50 to 300 leads to a 1.75% increase in the distance of particles from the wall. The study also delves into the positioning of the current-carrying wire, demonstrating that placing the wire at the microchannel entrance significantly reduces particle deposition. Furthermore, the results indicate that with an increase in electrical current up to 4 amperes, the efficiency of non-deposition reaches 100%.


Main Subjects

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