Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Civil Engineering, Chalous Branch, Islamic Azad University, Chalous, Iran

2 Department of Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada


The purpose of this research is to analyze the energy of a residential building in the city of Tabriz with a cold and dry climate using energy simulation to provide a model to minimize energy consumption. A comparative model of energy consumption analysis in a three-story building unit with dimensions of 181 square meters is presented using 5 layout modes in the wall, floor, ceiling, window and door. The number of 5 designs with different arrangement of rooms and different number of windows were compared in terms of energy conservation in 51 different diagrams and the optimal energy saving design is selected. In the next step, according to the obtained results, the design of the building in the desired site is discussed. At the end, in order to check the amount of energy absorbed in the building, energy diagrams will be obtained for the thermal region of the coldest day of the year. The results show that the most optimal energy consumption of the residential building is related to the design of plan B with the fabric gains value of 41767 Wh. After that, the designed plan A show the most optimal energy consumption in the building with fabric gains value of 41028 Wh in the month of July. The results of this research are useful for energy ‎efficiency of residential buildings and environmental management in future.


Main Subjects

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