Document Type : Original Article


Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria


The objective of this study was to evaluate comparatively the effects of different brands of corrugated roofing sheets on rainwater utilized within Awka metropolis. Different physicochemical parameters were assessed in the rain water harvested using established standard laboratory procedures. The rain water was harvested directly (control) and also collected after passing through the different brands of corrugated roofing sheets (samples). The results showed no appreciable effects on the physical appearance, observable odour, or taste of the water samples compared to the control sample. However, at 30 °C, there were minor changes in the pH. The amount of suspended solids (SS) in mg/100ml, total solids (TS), and total dissolved solids (TDS) found in each of the samples, including the control sample, did not vary. This showed that the corrugated roofing sheet has no significant effect on the SS, TS, and TDS of the rain water harvested within the study area. Iron, zinc, and chloride ions followed a similar trend as SS, with Fe and Zn occurring at non-detectable limits of the instrumentation, while the levels of Cl- ion (3mg/100ml) did not vary in all the samples, including the control sample. The results revealed that corrugated roofing sheets affect the total alkalinity and methyl orange alkalinity of the harvested rain water in the study area greatly but had no impact on their physical appearance.


Main Subjects

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