Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Mechanical, Faculty of Technology, University of Biskra, Biskra, Algeria

2 Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Technology, University of Biskra, Biskra, Algeria


The dependencye of aerosol optical depth on wavelength as well as the fit of the humidity, temperature and pressure approximation under atmoshperic condition at Biskra city of Algeria has been investigated. Our work consists of measuring and modeling solar radiation on the horizontal area to create a mathematical model of global solar radiation which depends on the aerosol optical depth data between two wavelengths: 550 and 1250 nm. Simultaneous measurements of global solar radiation were carried out and recorded on the horizontal zone on an urban site (Biskra, Algeria) to characterize the radiative effect of atmospheric aerosols from January to December 2013. In addition, the effect of meteorological parameters such as: humidity, ambient temperature, and time durations were studied. This relationship constitutes an alternative tool to estimate AOD at the routine lighting measurements available at many radiometric stations around the world. Finally, a comparative study was established between the theoretical results and the experimental data which leads at an excellent correlation by a low relative error which is limited by the interval 2 and 15%.


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